“National CooperativeRx does a number of things very well. The education, the updates and the clinical programs are really what is appreciated once they become members.”
– Mark Mason, Insurance Broker
Ways Your Account Team is There For You
Keep Your Overall Plan Costs Low
A sound plan design is key to managing costs, improving outcomes and favorable performance. Understanding your pharmacy network, cost share, drug coverage, formulary and utilization management is key to avoiding unexpected costs. Your designated account team will work with you to design a plan that works in your favor.
Specialty Drug Spend
Specialty drugs can cause a member’s drug spend to increase rapidly. This can be managed by having a solid plan design in place. Our expert team works with you to ensure your plan is designed to effectively manage specialty drug costs.
Extensive reporting is available to help monitor plan performance and outcomes. Ask your account team to review the various types of reporting methods available.
Plan Participant Education
Educational materials for your plan participants are available. Contact your designated account team for materials personalized with your plan sponsor logo or other ways in which you may engage your participants.
National CooperativeRx returns 100% of rebates to its members. Rebate checks are normally paid to members on a quarterly basis. Your account team can answer any questions regarding rebates you may have.
Unique to National CooperativeRx, patronage results when our income exceeds operating costs. It helps mitigate our membership fee and comes in the form of cash or dividends. Patronage is distributed to members each fall for the previous year, and your account team is here to help you make sense of the distribution.
For more information, download the PDF at the top of the page.