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National CooperativeRx Receives Impressive Net Promoter Score of 59

Members and partners of National CooperativeRx awarded the not-for-profit cooperative a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 59 in a recent survey. NPS is a measurement of customer loyalty, gauging how likely customers are to recommend an organization. As explained by the creators of the NPS metric, Bain & Company, a NPS above 0 is good, above 20 is great, and above 50 is amazing.¹ The impressive score for National CooperativeRx reflects satisfaction with the pharmacy benefit cooperative and is just one of the many positive results from the 2023 member and partner satisfaction survey.



As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, National CooperativeRx conducts an annual satisfaction survey, gaining insights on how we are fulfilling our members’ needs and identifying areas of enhancement.

The anonymous survey yielded 99 responses, 60% from partners and 40% from members. In line with the results from our 2022 survey, satisfaction remains high across National CooperativeRx’s key differentiators, such as our best-in-class pricing, prompt responses to member and partner inquiries, and industry expertise.

The majority of newer members who participated in our survey highlighted National CooperativeRx’s competitive pricing and the 100% return of rebates, claims audit recoveries, and patronage dividends as significant factors in their decision to choose us as their pharmacy benefit solution.

The 2023 survey also consisted of various questions regarding our master contract with a pharmacy benefit manager (PBM). With 2025 being a new contract year, we have begun the request for proposal (RFP) process for a new PBM agreement. We are actively reviewing the marketplace and identifying opportunities to deliver even greater value. The responses we received to these questions will help guide us toward an even stronger PBM contract for our membership.

National CooperativeRx would not be who we are today without the engagement and continued support of our members and partners. The exceptional NPS and positive feedback we have received reaffirm our commitment to delivering high-quality, cost-saving pharmacy benefit plans. Thank you for participating in our survey. Your input holds significant weight in our decision-making process and directly impacts the services we offer.


1. Team, T. E. (2023, September 22). What is a good NPS score?. Delighted. 

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